
CBS News
Parents of UC Berkeley students hire private security guards to patrol campus

Starting this week, a team of private security guards will patrol the south side of the University of California Berkeley campus. They were hired by a group of concerned parents.

The guards will work from 6:30 at night to 3 a.m., focusing on patrolling three main dorm buildings and the surrounding area. Cal parents who are part of a group called Safe Bears say this is long overdue but some wonder if it will really make the streets safer. Click here for more
(CBS News, 2024)

Pentagon stares down “drone swarm” threat

Swarms of low-cost drones powered by AI — perhaps hundreds of them at the same time — could soon pose an existential threat to America’s hulking war machinery.

Why it matters: Advanced militaries can largely fend off individual drones. But swarms of them deployed on a single target have the potential to reshape the global balance of power Click here for more
(AXIOS, 2024)

Nakano, A. (2024). Parents of UC Berkeley students hire private security guards to patrol campus. CBS News.

Bressner, N. (2024). AI-powered drone swarms: The Future of Military Technology. AXIOS.